"On My Block" is a teen dramedy that follows a quartet of bright, street-savvy friends as they navigate high school. The series was created by Lauren Iungerich, who previously created the MTV dark comedy “Awkward,” and Eddie Gonzalez & Jeremy Haft, who wrote “All Eyez on Me.” "On My Block" won the Teen Choice Award for Choice Breakout TV Show, and has been lovingly described by some critics as “Sixteen Candles” meets “The Goonies” meets “Boyz in the Hood".
Lauren Morelli has been the Costume Designer on 28 episodes of the hit Netflix show, which largely takes place in South Central Los Angeles. "The show had a variety of characters that required research - south central gangs, urban high schoolers, high end Brentwood adults, and drug cartels." says Lauren, "We infused lots of color and clothes from stores that our characters would be able to realistically afford, including pieces from local vendors of South Central and East Los Angeles which highlighted their culture."
The most challenging part of the project was creating costumes for a Season 3 episode that centered around a wild music video: "We built and hand bedazzled 3D food costumes the actors could dance in - french fries, a cake, a pizza, a sloppy joe..." Lauren remembers. "It was tons of fun to do something different and it turned out great." Bedazzled pizza? We're in.
"On My Block" is fun, soulful, warm, and features killer costumes. Check it out on Netflix, and shoot Lauren a direct message to chat or collaborate.